Scientific Association for the Study of Time in Physics and Cosmology

The University of Arizona
Pima Community College


Correspondents (click here to apply)

Correspondents are parties interested in active contact with the SASTPC and other like-minded individuals. Applications for Correspondent status are reviewed by the SASTPC. Upon admission, and receipt of a small annual operational fee, individual passwords will be issued for access to a restricted area where a correspondents name list and information approved by the SASTPC will be posted to facilitate contact with other correspondents. Correspondents may also access a quiry and response board where short queries or comments may be posted, have access to special documentation and have expedited contact with the SASTPC. To view an example of what is available click on the DEMO link below.

To apply fill out and submit the Correspondents application form. Upon notification of acceptance a $20 fee to offset operational expenses should be made out to the Pima Community College Foundation SASTPC Operational Fund and mailed to the Pima Community College Foundation, 4905C Broadway Boulevard, Suite 246, Tucson, Arizona 85709-1320. Upon receipt you will be issued your access password. Access fees are due annually in January and are delinquint in July. Fees received from correspondents joining between 1 July and the end of the year will apply through the following year. In addition to the correspondents fee the SASTPC encourages tax deductable sponsorship contributions as described on our Sponsors page. In addition to being listed as a sponsor on our current sponsors page, contributions of $25 or more will entitle you to special recognition in the correspondents area.

Correspondent status is subject to periodic review and will be terminated by the SASTPC if inconsistent with the SASTPC mission. Under certain circumstances, correspondents may be eligible to apply for Scientific Associate status. All persons, regardless of membership status, have open access to the SASTPC Newsletter and our publications and activities pages.

DEMO Correspondents Area

  • Username: test
  • Password: testpass

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